Jeff and Levi Sim talk about their best tips for finding and communicating with photography clients.
Making Good Headshots With Levi Sim
Practical tips for getting started on making great headshots for photographers who have never attempted them
How To Get Your Photography Website Noticed
The common mistakes made by photographers that prevent their websites from begging noticed by people looking for their services and/or images.
5 Reasons Every Photographer Needs An L-Bracket
Every photographer needs an L-bracket and here are the five reasons why.
Luminosity Masking and Lumenzia v9
The changes to version 9 of the Lumenzia luminosity masking extension for Photoshop.
2021 Photography Predictions
Check in on how we did with 2020 photography predictions and making predictions for 2021
Stretch Your Photography Skills in 2021
Ideas that will help photographers set resolutions for 2021 to stretch their skills and get better.
Color Space Workflow
Jeff talks with Greg Benz about color space and how photographers should deal with it in their workflow.
Getting Started With Team and Individual Sports Photography
Tips on how to get started in doing team and individual (T&I) sports photography, including a way to quadruple your potential for income!
White Balance – AWB, Presets, Gray Card, or ExpoDisc?
Photographers have multiple ways to deal with white balance in their photos. Here are the main options for doing that and how photographers should choose one of them.