We announce and walk through the top ten photos from the Creative Juices photo contest that took place from March to April 2020.
Canon R5 Confirmations and Rumors
Canon confirmed some of the video specs on their new R5 camera. We talk about those specs along with some of the rumored specs for still shooting.
Raw Defaults in Lightroom Classic 9.2
How to use the “Raw Defaults” feature Adobe added to Lightroom Classic with version 9.2 released in February 2020.
Different ways of shooting macro with Levi Sim
Welcome to the Master Photography Roundtable part of the Master Photography Podcast Network! You are joined by thousands of photographers listening to this show who are all on the same journey to master their photography. I am Brent Bergherm, the host for this episode and I am joined by Levi Sim! What’s up Levi? Levi: Spring is here and the …
Quarantine Resources For Photographers
Ideas and free or inexpensive resources to help photographers during this period of quarantine for COVID-19.