Jim and Brent talk about 12 lies told to new photographers and being flexible planning a photo shoot
Portrait Session: Facebook Q&A
Erica & Connor answer questions from the Improve Photography Podcast Facebook group
Photo Taco: Photography Steal 2017
Jeff shares info about the Black Friday Lightroom Presets steal
Roundtable [253]
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Dealing With Rejection and 5 Unconventional Landscape Tips
Jim talks with Jeff about dealing with rejection (especially from clients) and 5 unconventional landscape tips based on an article at improvephotography.com by Chris Mowers
Latitude: Welcome Back From Norway
Brian and Brent talk about trips to Norway, Sweden and Paris along with a hodge podge of other small topics
Photo Taco: Is Lightroom CC Classic?
Jeff Harmon goes over the details about the two new Lightroom programs now available to Creative Cloud subscribers, the costs of the various Creative Cloud options, and a healthy number of bugs that have been reported making his recommendation be that photographers who need to get work done using Lightroom wait to update.
Lightroom, Alternatives, and Mobile Workflows
Jim talks with Connor and Brad about Lightroom, Lightroom alternatives, and mobile workflows
Tripod: Lightpainting
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Best Of The Roundtable
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